Dampak Fatherlees Terhadap Prestasi Belajar MahasiswaFakultas Dakwah Dan Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Imam BonjolPadang


  • Anisah Putri Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang Author


Fatherless, Learning Achievement


The emergence of the fatherless phenomenon is due to local cultural
parenting patterns which for generations have shown that fathers only work
to fulfill the family's needs while parenting and household matters are placed
on the mother. Losing the role of fathers or fathers has an impact on
personality development, they feel feelings of anger (anger), loneliness
(loneliness), low self-esteem when growing up (self-esteem issues), as well as
shame because they have no experience growing up. like the others. The focus
of this research stems from two questions. First, what is the impact of
fatherlessness on student learning achievement, second, what is the solution
to minimize fatherlessness for students? This research uses a qualitative
research method with a descriptive approach, namely written or spoken
sentences from the objects observed. This study will look at the impact of
fatherlessness on student learning achievement and what the solution is to
minimize fatherlessness for students. Using a descriptive qualitative research
approach, researchers describe the results of interviews conducted with
research subjects. This study found that the impact of fatherlessness extends
more to girls who can influence self-confidence, doubt their abilities and selfworth, and experience uncertainty about their potential (informant). This
study also found that fatherlessness had an impact on the informant's way of
learning, which refers to a lack of attention or loss of the role of the father
who should be an example and motivation, causing the informant to have less
interest in learning, such as not having optimal study time


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08-09-2024 — Updated on 21-09-2024

How to Cite

Putri, A. . (2024). Dampak Fatherlees Terhadap Prestasi Belajar MahasiswaFakultas Dakwah Dan Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Imam BonjolPadang. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Dakwah Dan Ilmu Komunikasi , 1(1). https://ilmadika.org/index.php/jurnalmahasiswa2/article/view/17


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