Implementation of Culinary E-WOM through Instagram Platform: The Role of Visual Content by Food Vloggers on the Influencer Account @ricosaptahadi


  • chintia jailani Jurnal Author


E-WOM, Food Vlogger, Influencer


This study aims to explore various types of culinary e-WOM activities carried out by Millennial Food Vlogger using the @ricosaptahadi account, as well as their methods of implementing e-WOM. The research methodology employed is descriptive qualitative with a content analysis approach, involving observation, documentation, and content analysis of posts from the Instagram account @ricosaptahadi. The findings reveal the presence of six types of eWOM activities on the account, including Platform Support, Altruism, Positive Expression, Economic Incentives, Company Advocacy, and e-WOM Response Strategies. Additionally, the study identifies ten strategies and implementation steps for e-WOM, such as audience identification, message crafting, method 
establishment, media selection and utilization, execution, e-WOM monitoring, 
capture and analysis, evaluation, consideration of internal and external factors, 
and performance measurement


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How to Cite

jailani, chintia. (2024). Implementation of Culinary E-WOM through Instagram Platform: The Role of Visual Content by Food Vloggers on the Influencer Account @ricosaptahadi. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Dakwah Dan Ilmu Komunikasi , 1(1).
